Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Curse

“[…] everything degenerates in the hands of man. […] He wants nothing as nature made it, not even man himself.”

“Everything that man has made, man can destroy. Nature’s characters alone are ineradicable, […]”

Jean Jaques Rousseau

As I was reading these words, Arthur C. Clarke’s piece of writing came to my mind. I took my Módulo and read The Curse several times again, trying to dive in the author’s words. My feelings were quite different from those that had arisen the first time I read this text. Now, everything was clearer.
It is not surprising that towns, which are human beings’ creations, are destroyed by other human creations: rockets, hydrogen bombs, missiles, radioactivity.
It is not surprising that the world has been harmed and transformed but not destroyed.
It is not surprising that the sky, though it has been the meeting place of great projectiles, abandons its darkness as the sun settles “through banks of angry clouds”.
It is not surprising that the church vanishes and the gravestones, no matter whom they belong to, are damaged.
It is not surprising that it is water what brings life and peace back and signals a new beginning.