Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Janeth's 3rd class in 4th grade!

Today's Tuesday 29th September
It's sunny
It's spring

Today just 18 out of 32 students were present. The lesson started almost ten minutes late because of "external reasons". For the first time, all the students pay attention to Janeth's instructions of how they were expected to solve the photocopy she had just given them. In addition to this, they were willing to go to the board to check the activity they were working on. After that, Janeth stuck a picture of Rod (The Simpsons) on the blackboard and a speech bubble next to it. The lesson was focused on the structure "I've got/I haven't got" and the vocabulary related to family members. Janeth asked the students to repeat one sentence each, but some of them were really shy and did not want to read alone. In this case, Janeth should have encouraged chorus repetition. Then, Janeth gave them another photocopy with the pictures of Milhouse, Bart and Nelson on it. The pictures had speech bubbles the students were expected to fill in. Fortunately, it was clear that The Simpsons are really motivating since they complete the activity in quietness. They even stayed in the classroom after the bell had rung!

It was a really nice class!

Congrats girl!


  1. Interesting to link the have got and the haven´t gots with feelings.

  2. Thx girl!

    I also believe sts were really engaged! Hope it'll be like that always :p

