Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tales in the sand by Neil Gaiman

‘[...]Forget him Nada. Find a breathing man made of blood and bone and flesh and skin. This other can never be yours'' said the bird king.’

Regardless the warnings, she did swallow the flaming berry the little weaver bird had brought her and she fell down as in a deep sleep where she met Kai’ckul.

After I read this story by Neil Gaiman, I started wondering why we always tend to chose what is not suitable, not possible or even forbidden. Why is it that the impossible love is much sweeter than the one we can have? Why is it that the option everyone warns us not to take is the one that attracts us most? Why is it that temptation is stronger than ever when we know that something is strictly prohibited? Is it idle curiosity or a human need of breaking the rules?

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